Gold Ring Models, Diamond Ring Models, Ring Prices - Piano Jewelery | Piano Jewellery Skip to main content

    Rings, which are among the most popular jewellery, have many different models. Metals such as gold and silver are used in products designed for different age groups and tastes. Additionally, various precious stones add personality to the products. Ring prices have a very wide range. You can evaluate alternatives that suit your budget among the stylish models.

    What are the Ring Models?

    You can wear the ring models alone or with different accessories such as bracelets and necklaces. For this reason, when choosing among a wide range of models, it is useful to consider your other jewelry as well as your style.

    Silver and gold rings are models generally used as wedding rings. The products that will represent your love with their classic and modern designs also have alternatives enriched with precious stones.

    Sapphire ring models , which stand out with their elegance and elegance, are products that you can use in your daily life. A sapphire ring that can be a great gift can easily match almost any style.

    Ruby ring models, which are among the preferences of brave women, can be used daily or as an engagement ring. Since it is a very rare stone, it is extremely valuable and can be used in many different designs.

    Emerald ring models, which attract attention with their dazzling appearance, are products that can witness your most special moments. In addition to single stone varieties of rings with the most beautiful shades of green, you can also examine baguette and tamtur models.

    Diamond ring models, which attract attention with their special designs and have a modern stance, appeal to different age groups. These rings can be used with diamond bracelets and necklaces, as well as with jewelry designed using different precious stones such as emeralds and rubies.

    Pearl rings, known as the symbol of elegance, are among the models frequently preferred by women who believe in the power of simplicity. Rings with white and cream color options are an ideal gift option.

    Diamond Ring Models

    Diamond ring models , one of the most special rings expressing love, stand out with their noble stance. Although solitaire ring models are an ideal choice for those who do not give up on the classics, you can also consider full circle ring alternatives. If you like different and eye-catching models, you can shine with baguette ring models.

    When choosing among a wide range of models, it is useful to pay attention to the characteristics of the stone used as well as the design of the ring. The cut, carat, color and clarity of the stone directly affect the quality of the ring.

    How to Take Ring Size?

    Determining the correct ring size is one of the most important issues to consider when purchasing a ring. There are extremely practical methods for this.

    · You can take a piece of string, wrap it around your ring finger and mark the junction of the strings with a pencil or cut it directly. You can find the circumference of your finger by measuring how many millimeters the string is. 49 cm is considered a size 9 and the ring number increases by 1 for every 1 mm. If your finger joints are thick and protruding, it is useful to measure your joint thickness to avoid difficulty when wearing the ring.

    · If you have a ring that fits your finger perfectly, you can take the measurement on the ring. You can measure the diameter of the ring by placing it flat on the ground. You should remember that if you do not measure from the middle of the ring, the number you will find will be smaller than your ring size.

    · You can buy a measuring ring from a jewelery or haberdashery. When you put this plastic ring on your finger, you can easily find your finger size.

    How to Polish a Gold Ring?

    In order for your ring to stand the test of time and always look as sparkling as the first day, you need to maintain it at regular intervals. Although this frequency may vary depending on the characteristics of your ring, it is approximately every six months. To extend this period, you can take care to remove your ring when you wash your hands or take a shower. You can also make sure that it does not come into contact with chemicals such as moisturizer, hair spray and perfume.

    · To polish your gold ring, you can put a few drops of dishwashing detergent into a bowl at a temperature that will not burn your hands. You can put your ring in the bowl, wait a few minutes, and then rub it with a soft brush that will not cause scratches. You can then wash it with plenty of water to avoid any residue left on the ring and leave it to dry.

    · You can fill a large bowl with cold water and add 1 tablespoon of grated white soap and ammonia. You can put your ring in the mixture you prepared, leave it for half an hour and wash it with plenty of cold water.

    · You can use gold cleaning cloths that you can find at jewelers. In this way, you can prevent your gold from tarnishing.

    · While polishing the gold ring, you can have it laser cleaned with the help of a professional to get rid of the scratches on it.

    It is important not to clean your ring frequently to avoid damaging it while polishing. You should also remember that your ring may be scratched when you dry it with hard materials such as paper towels. You can use a soft cloth or let it dry on its own.

    How to Polish a Diamond Ring?

    Diamond rings, which can make even the most ordinary combinations shine with their sparkle, can become dirty and darken due to external factors. Especially if you use your ring in the kitchen or spend time outside frequently, it is beneficial to clean your ring every 2 weeks.

    You can use shampoo or shower gel to clean your diamond ring. However, it is important that the product you use does not contain any moisturizers or softeners. Otherwise, it will not be possible to rinse the metal floor sufficiently and you may encounter chemical accumulation.

    Since hot water may damage your diamond, you should be careful not to let the temperature of the water exceed 40 degrees. You can put your ring in water with a few drops of cleaner and then clean it by rubbing it with a soft toothbrush.

    It is important that you do not use abrasive substances to avoid scratching or damaging your ring. Dust and particulate cleaners such as toothpaste and baking soda can cause irreversible scratches.

    To attract attention and reflect your shine in every environment you enter, you can check out Piano Jewelery and buy the ideal ring model for you with a single click.

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